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Adopt a pond! Do you have a group of people or a few friends that like to regularly visit the ponds and want to make a difference? Consider adopting a pond! What would you do? Pick up trash in and around your pond on a semi-regular basis (scheduling up to you). Take notes on anything out of the ordinary. Help keep certain unwanted vegetation in check. Monitor newly planted trees and/or other vegetation. So many opportunities!

Contact Misty Hailstone for more information: Misty.Hailstone.1@us.af.mil

The Friends of Piute Ponds is always looking for volunteers who are looking for a community of like minded people whether for birders, photographers, hunters or hikers.

Bring your ideas, tools, time, talent and enthusiasm as we continue to maintain and improve the ponds as a valued wetlands for the beautiful creatures we enjoy.



Email your ideas to volunteer@piuteponds.org

Current projects include:


Plant trees along flow paths such as those in Pintail Flats and along the Ave C channel

Pull young tamarisk

Rip Rap

Hand place rip rap (small broken concrete) alongside the weirs where the backhoe was unable to place them.

Install boards in all screw gates to protect against debris entering culvert – priority is Shuttle Pond


Document potential tricolored blackbirds during nesting periods throughout ponds from the southern ponds to the lakebed

Find and document all black willows planted in 2012 to determine survival rate

Water gages

Hand install gages near the weirs to assist in water control


Develop method for sealing lakebed weirs so they don’t leak when we don’t want them to allow water onto the lakebed


Fill in, stabilize areas in the roads that pool water developing muddy unpassable areas.  Can we put in more soil, gravel, broken concrete, etc? Maybe broken concrete with boards over the pieces allowing cars to drive over the boards ???


Clean of wildlife signs, design new signs, install

Wildlife viewing blind

Develop possible locations, type, install, etc


For a Google map to the ponds, click here:

Google map